Thursday, December 25, 2008

Overlooked Signs of Crack Cocaine

NOTE: Top photo is crack ash/residue in the top kitchen cabinet. The second photo is crack ash/residue in the cabinet above the stove.

Do you have a suspicion that someone you are close to is addicted to crack cocaine? Are you finding yourself searching the internet for answers to the question, “what are the signs and symptoms of crack cocaine use/abuse/addiction?” Do you keep finding the same answers over, and over again? Are you frustrated because you have not found the answers you were looking for? There are numerous books, websites, and articles, which try to explain the signs and symptoms of crack or cocaine addiction. While the information provided is true; the information provided leaves out the most important subject— overlooked paraphernalia.

The Codependent Period – The Obsessive Search
If the person you suspect is using crack cocaine and keeping it a secret, you are probably in for the ride of your life! You will begin the ultimate search to find that person guilty of lies that you know to be true. You start by searching for “the hiding place, the stash, or the drugs!”

Most likely, you have searched everything you can possibly think of. When they sleep, you search their vehicles-thoroughly! You check their wallets or purses; You go through their pockets; You search through their drawers; You scan every inch of your house and garage if you have one. You may even get creative and start checking the landscape or perimeters of your home. After all that effort, you come up empty handed. You want to bang your head against the wall from frustration. You start to think that it is “you,” who is going crazy.

If you have never been around an addict, you are completely ignorant of anything that is drug related. With that said - you overlooked two things: 1) The addict keeps the substance with him or her at all times; therefore, you will never find it. 2) While you were looking for the “hiding place, the stash, or the drugs,” you overlooked some major clues!

The Clues You Missed
The addict starts to leave a trail of clues as he or she progresses into the addiction. They will become careless and sloppy, especially if they are making crack from cocaine. Perhaps a list of overlooked clues may be of help. The missed clues are as follows:

•Black ashes in the drawers, cabinets, or trash (especially if nobody smokes in the house)

•An unusual amount of empty pens lying around (if you look close enough you can see either black ash or a slight, white powdery substance around the tips of the pens)

•An excessive amount of broken and empty lighters (mainly with the silver top missing)

•Silver spoons suddenly start to appear scratched and you can’t figure out why

•Kitchen towels or small hand towels either start to disappear or start to turn brown (the ‘brown’ appearance in the towels is from the ‘user’ blowing crack smoke into the towel)

•If you have a ‘cat’ and you keep your litter box in the house, the addict may frequent that particular area. For example, you keep the litter box in the garage, and you notice that the suspected addict seems to hang around that area on a regular basis. (NOTE: Some say that ‘crack’ smells similar to ‘cat urine).

•If you have dogs, you may notice that they suddenly develop allergy-like symptoms. For example, the dog’s nose is always runny, it sneezes, it rubs its nose on the carpet, AND the dog(s) is restless during the night. (NOTE: Dogs are very sensitive to smell. When a ‘user’ leaves behind ‘residue,’ the dog(s) will smell it, and most likely eat whatever is lying around).

•Broken kitchen glasses or missing kitchen glasses, and broken light bulbs

•The baking soda in the refrigerator (used ‘only’ as an odor deterrent) is open and looks like there is some missing.

•You find sharp objects in your drawers or around the house with black tips. (NOTE: This object is the thing that is scratching up your spoons, as the addict converts the liquid substance into crack rocks).

•Unusual amounts of gum wrappers (usually foil), small candy wrappers (like starburst for example), and any other small wrappers that a crack rock can be hidden in.

Final Thoughts
Please understand that the ‘clues’ listed above are based on personal experience. With the illegal drug market continually changing, there are likely to be other overlooked clues. I am not a Licensed Mental Health Professional. I am only sharing information that I could not find on the internet. As always, do your own research and never take anyone’s word as absolute truth.

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