Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Love IS Visually Impaired – Somebody Give Me a Cane and Teach Me Braille!

Love IS Visually Impaired – Somebody Give Me a Cane and Teach Me Braille!
Yes, it is true; love is blind! Sometimes it is so blind, that in the end you may ask yourself, “What was I thinking?” or “Why did I let this relationship go on so long?” Your friends may even question your relationship and there always seems to be a rational explanation with these words, “because I love him/her.”

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

“What’s love got to do with it? Tina Turner had an answer to that question in her lyrics that followed. “What’s love but a second hand emotion?” I think that if anyone would know about “blind love,” it would be Tina Turner and her marriage to Ike Turner. She spent more time in an unhealthy relationship and raising a family to the best of her ability. Eventually, she had enough and began to “see” things clearly. With courage, she left the abusive relationship for good. How many Ike Turners’ do we know or have we been with? Not all Ike Turners’ physically abuse their partner. Some people emotionally abuse their partner and both are equally unhealthy.

A Relationship Should Be 50/50 – Not 99 Cents And A Penny

Sometimes you may feel so “in love” with your partner that you fail to see the reality of the relationship, especially if it is an abusive one. It may happen so subtly and so slowly that you become a victim to your own blindness. Eventually you will find yourself unhappy, broken-hearted, and left with nothing but a low self-esteem.

If you find yourself giving more than you are receiving, you may want to re-evaluate your relationship. If you see any signs of abuse, whether it be physical or emotional—get out of that relationship as soon as you can! Do not waste your time with someone who is incapable of love and do not deceive yourself by thinking that person will change. Keep in mind that the abusers are master manipulators. They can only manipulate you if you let them.

A Good Friend Once Said, “Go with your gut feeling and not with your heart.”

“Go with your gut feeling and not with your heart.” Perhaps that is what Tina Turner meant with the lyrics “What’s love but a second hand emotion?” Is the “gut feeling” the primary emotion? Where does the “gut feeling” come from? Perhaps it is our intellect. The mind has sight and control over the entire human body. The basic instincts come from our brains, not our hearts. Therefore, if something in your relationship does not feel right, trust your mind and not the visually impaired heart.

Do Not Let One Bad Apple Spoil The Bunch!

What is almost as bad as an unhealthy relationship is living with bitterness. Bitterness is not a good emotion. Not only is bitterness an all-consuming emotion, but you will carry it with you into your next relationship. This is not fair to the other person, nor is it fair to you. That is why it is so important to forgive and let go of any hateful feelings, you may have, towards the abuser and towards yourself. Why should you forgive yourself? At the end of the relationship, when the love-blinders come off, you may have some self-regrets.

Live And Learn And Love Again

I am not saying that it is easy to get out and over an abusive relationship. In fact, it takes a lot of courage and support. It takes time to heal, grieve, and time to find yourself again. Just because you forgive somebody, does not mean that you have to forget what the abuser has done. What you can do is learn from the mistakes and try not to make the same mistake twice. When you are ready, you can find love again…perhaps next time you will have 20/20 vision!

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