Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Father's Hand

You were very young
When you passed on
You left us way too soon!

You missed your grandson,
Your very first
You called him “little dude”

I felt such anger
For years and years
I hated you for many things!

I did forgive you
I loved you again
I imagine you with wings!

I forgot how much
You meant to me
Your impact on my life!

You picked me up
You set me straight
Your words cut like a knife!

You made me think
You never gave up
You pushed me to excel.

You were hard on me
Your firstborn child
I did nothing but rebel!

We can’t take back
The things we did
The ways we hurt each other!

To love is to forgive
To forgive is to love
I’m glad you were my father!

I need you now
You know the reasons
Because I spoke to you last night.

Crying as I called for you
I felt your hand in mine
I know you’ll show yourself again…when the time is right!

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